I am doing a series of pointillism (Daubism) paintings on dragonflies- the subject below is Libellula pulchella, commonly known as the Twelve Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly. It is found all throughout the continental United States as well as southern Canada. As a chiId, I had a specimen of this dragonfly in my insect collection- I was always facinated by its strikingly bold wing markings. If you look closely, you will find 4 Libellula pulchellas in this painting.
"Dragonfly Symphony" Oil on Canvas 30"x 40" copyright 2010 Dena Tollefson
The 12 Spotted Skimmer has fragile wings and a strong body. It is found in ponds and other wet areas, eating small flying insects - such as those nasty mosquitoes! Click here to learn more about this dragonfly.